The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe

By Le Clanché du Rand | from the story by C. S. Lewis

A Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People Production

Calendar Icon Purple
December 4-15, 2024
Location icon purple
Waterfront Theatre
Child Icon purple
Age Recommendation
Clock icon purple
Running Time
45 minutes
Is my child ready for this show?

Look at these scaled categories (1-5) to make a decision.

Violence and Scariness
Sensory Advisories
Potentially Anxious Moments

(Please check back soon for more updates !)

Vocal Eye Live Description
ASL Interpretation
Relaxed Performances

Show Information

The White Witch has trapped Narnia in a perpetual state of winter with no hope of Christmas. But all that changes when four siblings venture through a mysterious wardrobe and enter this land of talking animals, charming fauns, giants, and dwarves. Alongside Aslan the Great Lion, the children courageously battle the forces of evil and discover that Love is the deepest magic of all. Join Peter and Lucy for a magical adventure, as they take you on a journey into the magical land of Narnia. An inventive and highly theatrical adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s classic that’s sure to delight children and adults alike.

A Kaleidoscope Theatre for Young People Production

Show Schedule

Public Performances
School Performances

Supplemental Reading List

This Book List is generously created by our friends at Massy Books.
Please note that CTYP does not thoroughly investigate the books listed.

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